The big question this article will seek to discuss is why relying upon smoke bombs alone when treating a flea infestation is rarely enough to lead it towards eradication.
Smoke bombs are a delivery mechanism for fumigation, in short they will fill up the volume of the room with a heavily saturated insecticidal smoke. Smoke bombs are always a fantastic pest control choice when dealing with insects in a large area. As with all fumigators there are two key factors relating to smoke bombs, namely;
Smoke bombs are a reactive measure; they will kill through contact during the time of use. As they leave no residue once the smoke has been ventilated out of the room, they hold no residual value.
Smoke bombs are a surface level killer; the smoke emitted will work its way around a room into cracks and crevices killing anything at surface level.
In summary; stages of the lifecycle which come into contact with the potent insecticidal smoke will die. However, as many will be aware the main problem with fleas are the eggs and pupae which are often laid in deep harbourages, beneath skirting boards and in the fibres of carpets. Due to the resilient nature of these eggs and pupae and their locations they can be left untouched by fumigation.
And so we come to the two problem of relying upon smoke bombs alone;
1). You risk eggs and pupae being missed which will hatch into adult fleas
2). With no residual value from smoke bombs the newly hatched adults will be free to continue the lifecycle uninterrupted.
However, at Pest Expert we have worked closely with your pest control experts to provide solutions to these two problems.
To your first problem, we have developed the Formula ‘P’ Flea Killer Powder, a potent contact dust which when applied to carpets and bedding will penetrate into the fibres and kill eggs and pupae. To the second we have our bestselling Formula ‘C’ Flea Killer Spray a powerful residual insecticide, once sprayed upon an inert surface such a carpet the Formula ‘C’ will dry to form a film of cypermethrin. The film formed by the Formula ‘C’ will remain active for up to 12 weeks in untouched areas acting as a constantly on-going pest control process ensuring that any missed eggs and pupae, as they transition through the lifecycle, will be killed upon contact with the film. Residual insecticides will stop fleas short before they have the opportunity of renewing the lifecycle and elongating the period your home is plagued by fleas.
If you catch the infestation early smoke bombs are often enough and in all levels of infestation, they are excellent population suppressors. However, in a more established infestation reliance upon fumigation as your sole delivery method of insecticide risks a resurgence of the adult population as missed eggs and pupae transition through the lifecycle.
In our next article we will take a closer look into fleas and their four-stage lifecycle known as complete metamorphosis.