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Cockroach infestations are among the most serious insect infestations in British homes. What makes them even more of a problem is their prolific reproduction rate. Four hundred eggs from a female in one year can drastically increase the size of any local population. Cockroaches are experts in the art of concealment, but if you do see any, there will be quite a few more lurking in cracks and crevices.
At Pest Control Supplies we stock a wide range of cockroach sprays and traps, as well as cockroach powders that kill without the use of chemical insecticides.
Cockroach Killer Kits
Cockroach problems need to be treated at the first sign of an infestation. To guide our customers into choosing the right products, we have put together Ready To Use Cockroach Killer Kits containing the necessary equipment to control most cockroach infestations. These kits can be added to with additional products to suit your specific requirements.
Cockroach Killer Sprays
An insecticide spray is the most common method for controlling cockroaches. Most cockroach killer insecticides contain strong active ingredients such as Permethrin, Tetramethrin or Cypermethrin to a control cockroach infestation. For best results against cockroach infestations, we recommend using a spray with a quick knock-down together with a long-lasting residual spray for a combined attack.
Cockroach Killer Fumers & Foggers
Smoke generating fumers and mist foggers are some of the most effective products at controlling disease spreading cockroaches. They come in a range of sizes to suit all sizes of rooms or building, ranging from a small bedroom to a large stock room or loft space. Smoke generating fumers and mist foggers and simple and easy to use, and very powerful.
Cockroach Traps
Cockroach traps are a ready to use and rid homes of cockroaches. They generally feature a stronghold glue for trapping cockroaches and some come covers to keep dead insects hidden from view. This type of cockroach control can be used in chemical sensitive areas such as kitchens, as they are poison and chemical free traps.