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Pest Expert Formula 'B' Rat & Mouse Poison Paste Bait 750g is supplied in individual measured 10g sachets for easy, convenient use. Containing the strongest concentration of Brodifacoum – This should NOT be confused with the weaker, less potent rodenticide, Bromadiolone. Despite what many companies claim, Pest Expert Formula B+ provides the strongest range of rat and mouse poisons available in the UK and is designed to kill in a single feed. Proven to be up to 4 x stronger than other poisons containing Bromadiolone or Difenacoum, the result with Pest Expert Rodenticides is always faster, more effective control and therefore better value for money! Containing the potent rodenticide Brodifacoum at the maximum legal strength (0.0025%), this preparation is highly palatable to both rats and mice, thanks to it's special soft paste blend and sweet smelling aroma. Also available in various pack sizes, or Pest Expert Rat Poison Killer Kits - See related products below or "Rat" category page.
Place bait where there are signs of rodent activity, like fresh droppings, inside or near nests and burrows, runways and rodent feeding places. Place bait points throughout the infested area. It is generally much more efficient to use a larger number of small bait points compared to a smaller number of large bait points. Large bait points increase the risk to wildlife and to other non-target animals.
For rat infestations: use bait points of up to 200g. Place bait points 10m apart reducing to 5m in high infestations. Do not move or disturb bait points for several days after laying bait. If no signs of rat activity are seen near the bait after 7-10 days, move the bait to an area of higher rat activity.
For mouse infestations: Use bait points of up to 40g. Place bait points 5m apart reducing to 2m in high infestations. Mice are very inquisitive and it may help the control program to move baits every 2-3 days at the time when bait points are inspected and/or topped up.
This product is authorised under Biocidal Product Regulations 2001 for use as directed.